
The Tower of Angels (or yet another round of painful free writing)

-Why do I always write the best titles?
-Why do I always lose track of what I write?

The blue sunset exists. I've seen it. Not with my eyes, mind you; it's somewhere else out there. Lyra's world, I guess.

The more I look at my screen, the less creative I become. What's up with that? There's nothing free about this here. What part of my brain am I using?

I am really worried about the font I'm writing in now. It's too straight edge; not creative enough. And it doesn't matter anyway. Comma callus splice errors up the wazoo; IDGAF (that means I don't give a fuck, for you non-geeks).

I still want to meet Hayley Williams sometime. I mean, I guess I could purchase a VIP package, or go on a cruise with her or something (Parahoy, it's called).

But lately I've discovered a new band; no links, no pictures in this post.

I have so many pictures to post. I'm talking hundreds of thousands of... kilobytes worth of data pixels that captured a singular moment in time. This moment in time is merely a tense all muddled up in the future, past, and the present makes no sense at all.

The future makes so much sense. The past is just fact.


My favourite angel these days is... oh my goddess I'm going to spell their name improperly. I could cheat and look up their name in a book that I have that's mauve and still in great shape and that I wish to study more (not by myself, mind you), here, have, some, commas, to breathe because I've been making you read for far too long now without really getting at anything particularly interesting.

MY favourite angel, these days... I... I can't pick anymore. I love them all too much. Love, love, love, why? That word is completely different than "amore", or, culturally... "amour".

Try it out. Try pronouncing "amour" (it's going to be difficult unless you can speak a romance language pretty well). Now try pronouncing the word "love". TOTALLY DIFFERENT WORDS! ... well, phonetically anyway.

Okay, I'll give it a try, Tzadfkiel. I think. No, I'm going to google you and see what the 2nd page has to say about you! IS that okay?


The hard ships swim softly through the snow

They're building a space elevator!


Pretty neat.

Later day edit: I learned about this through Kenneth Oppel's Facebook page! He has a book series called Airbourne, and in one of the books (I can't remember which one; one of the later ones), he describes the building of a space elevator. I wish I could go into more detail; but you'd have to read the books to really get it.

Anyway, The Word on the Street is happening again this year! I've never been. But I am 95% convinced that I am going to go. It's just not an easy place to go to as an unpublished author. And I'm not going to advertise this blog because I would feel like a sell out.


24 Aug edit: This is an atypical example of how a wannabe author thinks! =)


I could have put it better myself




Living with Voices by Kevin Healey

No more citations needed. I'm taking a break from UofT for a while.

Gotta take care of Deathraven and Taxes.

Well, Deathraven's taken care of.


Number ###?

Speaks for itself LOL
