Friday 18 February 2011

An inventory of being right before insanity.

Unit 1 Lesson 5
Part A)
I am Gabriel.
I am 19 years old; never feel like I’m in the mould.
I live my life as simply as I can, but I can’t stay simple in this complex world.
I like computers; it’s a little too much sometimes, makes me feel like a robot.
I like a variety of foods, but the delicious scent of curry is what makes my mouth water.
My identity is in shambles, maybe that’s because my family is a little lost too.
I hope for better days to come ahead; fitting in with people just as lost as I am.
I try to listen to my own ideas, but too often they become clouded with others’.
I’m scared of losing myself in the big rat race.
As if I could ever find my way out of this maze; this life.
I’ve stopped watching TV, the shows can’t make me believe what I see.
Can’t handwrite too well, all topsy-turvy and mixed with crude capitals.
I don’t believe in God, but I do believe that the universe supports me.
Once I believed in free love, and grew my hair just like the hippies.
Cut my hair off, gave it to charity, made a cancer victim somewhere out there pretty happy.
Sometimes my brain gets ahead of me; can’t quite say out loud what I mean to say.
I’m sickened by the consumerist lifestyle; wish I could escape from this ailing society.
All these celebrities being praised for what they do.
When really I’m my own celebrity, consciously deciding what’s best for me and sometimes the people around me.
I avoid passing quick judgements about others, scared that they’ll do the same to me.
I might live off ramen noodles, but I try and stick to the fruits and veggies.
After all, being healthy is what life is all about.
If you can’t be healthy, you can’t function to your best ability in society.
At least that’s what my mother told me.
I am Gabriel, and this is 2010.

Karma Aspiration Linger Entity Iodinic Darwyn Overcast Unlamine Grievous Hawt Spectroom Caraoke Overwhelming Parlamore Everdrawn
I never finished my correspondence english course.
I thought it was stupid.
And it is.

Oh, and the 6th line from the bottom is almost wholly inaccurate for the sake of healthiness. Maybe it explains the title of this blog post.


  1. being able to function well in this society is not necessarily a measure of your health! (keep that in mind)

  2. Saddening but true.
    It's nice to meet people who enjoy and have respect for their role and overcome the hardships imposed by the current system.

  3. even if you lose & forget your identity, you'll always have one with me :D
