Saturday 19 June 2010


It's not fair.
See, I have this friend that I've known since.... grade four. We're not amazing friends, but she's pretty cool. Last summer I introduced her to this other friend of mine, from Katimavik. And now this other friend of mine is totally best friends with her, and she's friends with all his friends and blah blah... And I feel left out.
Am I QQ'ing a little much? Maybe. But I feel jealous. They always talk to each other now, plan things together and I'm just a bystander.

I haven't made a new friend in a long while. So when old ones drift away, I feel it, man. Guys totally have feelings, man.

What should I do? Okay, maybe, I'll make an effort to hang out with said person. More. And then whatever, it'll all be cool I guess.

But here is Saturday night, and I'm just drinking it away. Oh joy.

Karma Aspiration Linger Entity Iodine Darwin Overcast Ulysses Grievous Hawt Spectre Citron Ophilia Philharmonic Eyeless

1 comment:

  1. Just think of the things that you used to do with the old friend (things that you have in common), and focus on those. I was in this situation once, and I basically figured out that bringing up the problem won't fix anything, it'll just make you seem extra paranoid. Just try to re-ignite the friendship in a slow, non-forceful way.

    Not sure if you were looking for advice, but there it is!

    I did a lot of drinking tonight too. Brandy... beer... white wine. Delicious. I love Polish family gatherings.
