Friday 24 October 2008

How lazy can you get?

So if any of you out there have been wondering what I've been up to, too bad. I answer e-mails. Sometimes. I've had numerous chances to blog but I've been too busy/lazy to, depending on how you look at it. Right now I'm sprawled on one of our fine, comfy couches. It's tuff writing a blog entry on an ipod touch, not to mention time-consuming. But I'm just too comfortable you know?

Tonight I'm dressing up as some sort of wizard to go entertain some Strathroy children. But that is not the thing I am most looking forward to this weekend, for you see, L is paying me and my group a visit! Wonderful no? I think that is quite awesome.

I think I shall go do some dishes now. J, you would love the amount of dishes you get to do here, it's quite a handful.


1 comment:

  1. Yeah. Too bad. (It's also a song by Nickelback).
