
Infinitely sheltered

This song has been stuck in my head for a couple days. I cannot believe it's already 7 years old... and just like the rest of the YouTube commenters, I am assailed by the barrage of infinite content and the passage of time.

and because sub 2-min songs don't really satisfy me (in much the same way that YouTube Shorts or TikToks don't), here's a more cheerful (but forlorn) track that's also been stuck in my head. I don't really know who Porter Robinson is, but Madeon came out with Pop Culture in the early 2010s and if you've been following the internet, you should remember it as one of the most important "mashups" of all time.


Better striking

Strike price.

Strike targets.

Striking first.

Writing a blog post starting from a random blog title is, for once, creative.

Going counter to my usual method of writing shiz down then figuring out the blog title, today, I try and share something differently and with more positivity.

My life doesn't really suck all that much. There are certain things that I can't really express on here, despite all the anger, despite all the love I feel sometimes; it's all improving, regardless.

In retrospect, I have poor emotional control, and the problem I face is that I rationalize my extreme states by ultimately arguing for my arguments from the past; i.e. it's okay that I'm angry and yelling because it makes me feel good - temporarily.

Then regret sets in, until time heals and washes away the regret, and I continue with my relatively sane routine of taking care of myself, not overworking, and avoiding the lack of silence as much as humanely possible for my bleeding ears.

Okay, that last paragraph is a bit scary; maybe I'll revisit it later, maybe not.

Either way, it's been a gorgeous couple of 20 degree plus weather. For the last of you Americans holding out on the Fahrenheit scale, that's room temp. At the end of October. Crazy, and yet most definitely not unheard of.

Ugh. Writing in english is such a slog; but I write so much faster in English that I just can't seem to... change.


For an optimist, I'm pretty relativistic

Relatively speaking, I'm less angry over my Overwatch losses (and wins too).

The only aspects of the game I'm still bitter over are the following:

  1. The switch from 6vs6 to 5vs5 (the upside is a more defined tank role)
  2. Free-to-play diluting the player pool (the upside is the queue times have -never- been shorter)
  3. How lonely I feel playing this game for thousands of hours, but never with a team of friends (the upside is that I use this game to recharge my emotional/social 'buoyancy')


Eye exams cost too dang much

The glasses cost less than the eye exam. That's insane.

Yeah, but the glasses cost too much.

And they come with a particular filter.


I am the supervisor

Can I get the taxi number?

... I dunno it.

I do know to check the yellow circular light; something the OPP doesn't seem to care about.