
L'action de grâce paléo

J'ai pas grand chose à rajouter à cette image. C'était délicieux et filling!

Oh, I go by Kaldoce (khal-duss) for my short form artist name. It's growing on me.


Reckless sirens; serious sounding writs continue

Okay what: it's a beautiful day in Toronto, Friday morning, and there are horrible screeching sirens that sound like an amalgamation of the dying screams of the sick care system. At 9 am in the morning. The sun has been up in T-Dot for at least a couple hours.

Until further notice, I assume they're bored dickheads who make more than I ever will as gov't employees, running around with their firetrucks and ambulances and the other militarized weapons against civilian peace. The alternative is terrible gov't waste.

Sure, I disturb the peace - with the strength of my voice, and with my thyroid imbalance, I can't constantly be blaming myself for my past (and probable) future not-so-non-violent words.

The neighbours continue to annoy me with their less potent version of death machines - mostly strollers and cars; but as I've yelled here & there, my value judgment here follows Orwell's: two wheels good; four wheels bad. And I don't bike much because I don't sleep much and I value my life more than random adrenalin boosts; such is life in my neck of the carbrained woods.

In other news*, D4 still bad, Diablo: Immortal probably better on my phone (yes, I finally have one that can run Genshin Impact natively, as well), but still no sign of Path of Building - which isn't necessarily a good piece of news for me either.

On a final note, I went to Queen's Park/Innis College yesterday. Here's a crop of the place if you're a curious recovering student politician (as I was once wont to be):

P.S. The random strangers/streetwalkers on the street talking to themselves (preferentially not me) - YOU'RE cool. Especially in a gentrified neighbourhood (where I currently write this) where everyone talks crosswise and nobody listens ergo nobody cares.


A cool link (to prove something)


Any of my old pals around and want a board game meet up? Vous avez mon numéro de téléphone, sinon mon adresse email.


I was prolly here

Writing an endless story; not necessarily in school; don't necessarily need to cite yet, with the Son of the Citation Machine (EasyBib) around.

Anyway: here's another unedited photograph straight from my relatively new Nordic-inspired cameraphone.

Oh and Floor Jansen (sp?) is an inspiring lead singer!


Yet another new year

So another new year day; another day where I continue to listen to the same old teacher over (AI/AUTOCORRECT ALERT) tracks, tracks can my fingers keep up with?

As I continue to write rather impersonally and truffled with literal anti-Grammarly mistakes, the difficulty of writing with a Hello Kitty band-aid assaults my ears with shattered glass of weathered panes.

We look they were giants. How will I ever come back to this carangered post of angered destruction; annihilation of -you suck at this one- GOTCHA BISH.

 A voice hearer heard, and a sight see-er saw, but the doer o'er both yer a trout to me.